Alterhuman Dictionary
gear - accessories, including jewelry, clothing, and costume pieces, worn to relieve species dysphoria or connect with one's identity [1].
god-shard - a piece of a deity in a living human vessel that does the deity's bidding. Due to their mortal vessels, god-shards do not have deific powers [2].
godspouse - a mortal consort of a deity [3] [4].
greggil - a draconic term for a human, coined by members of [5]. May have derogatory or humorous connotations, depending on context [5].
greymuzzle - an older or more experienced member of the therian community, equivalent to an elder [6] [7]. The title is typically conferred on those who are quite knowledgeable about therianthropy and have been in the community for several years. This term may also be used for otherkin.