Alterhuman Dictionary
About this dictionary
This dictionary is meant to cover common alterhuman and alterhuman-adjacent terms, although please note that inclusion of a term in this dictionary does not imply that it originated in or is used solely by alterhuman communities. I've selected these terms to reflect frequently used and relevant terminology and to provide some historical context. Some sources may not be primary sources, but I'm currently working (slowly) to remedy that.
If you're looking for a term in particular and it's not listed where you think it should be, my website now has a search function (the little magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner)! Give that a go, and if nothing comes up, I likely haven't added that term to my dictionary yet.
If you feel I've overlooked an important term or know of a recently coined term that I haven't come across yet, please feel free to contact me here. Bonus points if you can provide original sources for me to cite!
*Updated February 2025*
If you're up for more extensive reading, please check out Orion Scribners Otherkin Lexicon for a comprehensive overview of pre-2013 terminology here.
Upcoming additions
Some terms I intend to add in the near future:
Physically-identifying person/creature
Stress shift
The Silver Elves
Any sources on these terms are highly appreciated! Shoot me a message here if you have info, and I'll add you to the Acknowledgements page!